Episode 23: Similar Shows, Very Different Hosts

Some people watch the news and see only the news content. But so much of what you hear and what you learn is defined by the show and journalist delivering you the content. 

This week on Polilogue, we switch our attention from the topics, guests, and panelists to other crucial voices on the Sunday talk shows: the journalists themselves. While the Sunday political shows are very similar in their format and often the content, hosts determine which topics get discussed, the tone of each interaction, and the depth of every interview. 

Sometimes, hosts permit guests to weasel their way out of important questions. At other times, weak questions invite disappointing answers. Some hosts excel by demanding answers and deploying smart follow up questions to achieve the impossible. Hosts cannot predict what guests will say or what news will break out 12 hours before, but they can determine their show’s journalistic goals and create a program that attempts to reach them. 

Email us at polilogue.podcast@gmail.com or you can send us your feedback on Twitter: @sotonaomi_ and @bsteidle.

Want to stalk us some more? Check out some of our other work: 

Brendan’s website: www.armisticedesigns.com 
Naomi's website: www.startwithaquestion.org

The Sunday political shows discussed this week:  

Naomi Soto