Episode 56: Chaos Follows Trump Abroad

Last week President Trump met with NATO leaders, UK Prime Minister Theresa May, and the Queen of England. Soon he will be meeting Russian President Vladimir Putin. During this time abroad we’ve seen that the typical clouds of chaos that usually hover in DC, follow President Trump to Europe.  

This week we look at two instances of chaos. First, we discuss Trump’s unfocused diplomatic efforts with our NATO allies. Second, we examine President’s Trump’s disinterest to stand up to Putin for meddling in the 2016 presidential election— as was clearly outlined in the recent Mueller indictments to 12 Russian spies. 

You are always more than welcome to jump to a specific part in the show by jumping to its respective chapter:

  • Introduction
  • Highlight/Lowlight
  • A Presidential Interview
  • Chaos Abroad
  • Mueller Indicts Russians
  • Rankings
  • Closing

Email us at podcast@polilogue.com or you can send us your feedback @PolilogueCast. You can also follow us at @sotonaomi_ and @bsteidle.

Want to stalk us some more? Check out some of our other work: 

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Naomi's website: www.startwithaquestion.org


Naomi Soto