Episode 165: Open Like Nobody's Business

The Coronavirus pandemic enters a new month and the Sunday talk shows focused on familiar subtopics, including the public health responses and economic pains of Americans and state governments. The Sunday shows also discussed the scientific breakthroughs in treating this virus. After many weeks of only COVID-19-centric episodes, most shows, at least for one segment, also discussed the presidential election.

Today on Polilogue, we explore the value of nuance in understating states that choose to reopen, the benefits of seeing the long-view COVID-19 picture, and why the Tara Reade allegation— at this point in time— is not as complicated of a story that most people are making it out to be.


  • Introduction

  • Highlight/Lowlight

  • Tepid Mitigation Success

  • Additional Economic Support on Pause

  • COVID-19 Breakthroughs

  • Election 2020: Amash for President

  • Election 2020: Tara Reade’s Biden Allegations

  • Show Rankings

  • Closing

Shows discussed 

Articles & Resources Discussed

  • Investigate Tara Reade’s Allegations (NYT Editorial Board)

  • NIH Trial Finds Gilead's Remdesivir Shows Early Promise in Treating COVID-19 (AJMC)

  • Gov. DeWine reverses decision to make masks mandatory, now 'recommended' while shopping (News 5 Cleveland)

  • Bewildering computer crashes and glitches for those in Florida seeking unemployment benefits (Tallahassee Democrat)

  • “Florida Is a Terrible State to Be an Unemployed Person” (NYT)

  • Why Won’t TV News Book Tara Reade? (NYT)

  • Webinar: COVID-19 in Context: News Coverage and News Literacy in Uncertain Times (News Literacy Project)

  • Overall fantastic resources with the News Literacy Project

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Email us at podcast@polilogue.com or you can send us your feedback @PolilogueCast. You can also follow us at @sotonaomi_ and @bsteidle.

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Check out some of our other work: 

Brendan’s website: www.armisticedesigns.com  

 Naomi's website: www.startwithaquestion.org

Naomi Soto