Episode 170: Where are the Experts?

For a second week, all the Sunday political shows focused their time on the national uprisings and racial injustice protests. Last week when the story was fresher and developing, we gave the shows more leniency in how they covered the topic. We asked if the shows were explaining why people were angry and if they were explaining the fervor that was spilling into the streets in cities across America.

A week later, the protests have not waned. But disappointingly, we find the shows are still failing to explain this moment. They are failing to include important voices on this topic. They are using incendiary and/or unnecessary language. There remains a deference to military and police that we are not seeing towards the average Black American. This is an important moment in history. The shows need to realize that they are failing to get this story right.


  • Introduction

  • Meet the Press

  • State of the Union

  • This Week

  • Face the Nation

  • Fox News Sunday

  • Rankings

  • Closing

Shows discussed 

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Naomi Soto