Episode 177: Half-Cooked Covid Relief

The extended federal unemployment benefits for out of work Americans expired last week. No longer will unemployed Americans receive an extra $600 per week. This will leave many scrambling to make ends meet. Republicans from the Trump Administration and in the Senate are working to put together a relief bill. The proposal would counter the Democratic bill that passed the House two months ago and serve as a starting point for negotiations.

Today on Polilogue, we look at the interviews with key Republicans working on that relief package. We discuss interviews that took place with White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, and Economic Advisor Larry Kudlow. We also review the interview with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, who talked about protecting essential workers and supporting state and local governments.


  • Introduction

  • Highlight / Lowlight

  • Republicans’ Relief Bill

  • The Missing Portland Context

  • Show Rankings

  • Dialogue Challenge

Shows discussed 

Resources and Links

  • Many low-wage workers earn more on unemployment than in their former jobs (CBS News)

  • The Mother Tongue - English And How It Got That Way (Bill Bryson)*
    This book was written in 1990 and in some parts it is out of date with the latest understandings of linguistics.

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Naomi Soto