Episode 179: Kudlow vs. Bash

The Trump Administration and Congressional Democrats are at an impasse and have not made concrete progress for the next round of COVID relief. In response, President Trump signed a series of Executive Orders that are aimed to provide relief to unemployed and struggling Americans. The devil, as they say, is in the details. And the details show that there’s a long way to go still for any economic support to get into the wallets of desperate Americans.

Multiple White House representatives and Congressional Democrats were on the shows today making their case. Dana Bash examined this breakdown best in her interview with Larry Kudlow, the Director of the National Economic Council. Today on Polilogue, we talk extensively about this powerful, effective interview, as well as the others stakeholders in this negotiation process.


  • Introduction

  • Highlight / Lowlight

  • Kudlow vs Bash

  • Two Pelosi Interviews

  • Stronger Arguments

  • What We Learned Today

  • Show Rankings

  • Dialogue Challenge

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Naomi Soto