Episode 186: Who is Amy Coney Barrett?

On Saturday, September 26, President Trump officially nominated Judge Amy Coney Barrett to fill the Supreme Court seat that had previously been filled by the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg. In 2017, the Senate confirmed Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit. Despite the 2016 Republican outcry of having SCOTUS nomination hearings during an election year, Republicans are moving forward with Coney Barrett’s nomination hearings and hope to confirm the judge before Election Day. Democrats, with very little recourse, are protesting the rushed process.

On today’s episode, we look at how the Sunday shows introduced Judge Amy Coney Barrett to America and all the components of her personal life and professional record that were missing in that introduction.


  • Introduction

  • Highlight / Lowlight

  • Media Misses the Mark

  • More Senate than SCOTUS

  • Show Rankings

  • Dialogue Challenge

Shows discussed 


  • Barrett pick draws attention to small religious group (CNN)

  • Some Worry About Judicial Nominee’s Ties to a Religious Group (NYT)

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Naomi Soto