Episode 208: Impending Impeachment

This week on Polilogue, we look at the conversations that took place on the Sunday shows with Republican senators about the impending impeachment trial. Very few Republicans were were willing to suggest clear accountability measures against the former president who encouraged an insurrection at the Capitol. We also spoke about President Biden’s proposed COVID relief bill. Some shows put their attention on people suffering, other shows focused on the Washington insider baseball game.


  • Introduction

  • Highlights Throwback

  • N Quality: Impeachment Timing Question

  • B Quality: Tapper Defends AOC

  • N Quality: Global Vaccination Efforts

  • B Questionable: Fauci’s Non-Answer

  • N Politics: Holding Trump Accountable

  • B Politics: FNS and Impeachment

  • N Journalism: Pandemic Impact on Women

  • B Journalism: Questioning Republicans with Facts

  • Show Ratings

  • Dialogue Challenge

Shows discussed 

Links Discussed

  • Kevin McCarthy McCarthy: You had at me at hello (MSNBC)

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Naomi Soto