Episode 87: Northam Digs In

In the span of ~24 hours, the governor of the commonwealth of Virginia became a man without a party. Last Friday, a racist photo of a man in blackface and another man in a KKK costume was discovered on Governor Ralph Northam’s medical yearbook page. Within hours, he apologized. Then the next day, he denied he was in the picture.

Most people are asking Governor Northham to step down, but he isn’t budging… which leaves everyone to wonder: How does Virginia move forward? And how can Governor Northam possibly lead?

As always, you can jump to a section of the show by using our available chapters:

  • Introduction 

  • Highlight / Lowlight

  • Northam Stays Put

  • Margaret Brennan Interviews Trump

  • Rankings 

  • Closing 

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Naomi Soto