Episode 52: One Busy Week, Two Different Approaches

Some weeks when we watch the shows, one show will blend onto the next show— and we struggle to remember each unique moment. During those repetitive weeks, we lean on our notes to find trends and moments of distinction. This Sunday was not one of those instances. 

Meet the Press delivered a fascinating and riveting episode. The strongest moment on the show was when host Chuck Todd had a singular focus and provided consistent and clear follow up questions during his interview with White House Special Counselor, Kellyanne Conway. 

In comparison, This Week delivered a fire dumpster of an episode. Jonathan Karl allowed one man with no authority or political power to demean the value of the Sunday political shows when Steve Bannon rambled for 30+ minutes. 

  • Introduction
  • Highlight/Lowlight
  • Chuck Todd shines
  • Jon Karl blows it
  • Rankings
  • Closing

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Want to stalk us some more? Check out some of our other work: 

Brendan’s website: www.armisticedesigns.com 
Naomi's website: www.startwithaquestion.org

The Sunday political shows discussed this week:  

Naomi Soto